“New Kids’ Piano Method Shows
Virtually Unknown Secrets
to Getting Kids to Play Piano and Develop a Life-Long Love for music”

Your Child will Be Able To…
- Come Up With Their Own Songs at the Piano so That They Can Share With Loved Ones
- Read Formal Song Sheets so That They Can Learn Any Song They Want
- Play Beautiful Left-Hand Patterns and Turn Any Song to A Beautiful Arrangement
- Read Chord Charts and so that they can Play Any Song with Chords
- Get creative at the piano in order to Actually Enjoy Playing and treat it as an art

This piano method has been taught to children who have very different music upbringings, including:
- those who have never sat at a piano before
- those who grew up with a piano at home and already have an interest
- those who love music but can’t keep a solid note when singing
- those who had piano lessons in the past and got frustrated
- those who never wanted to learn piano but after trying it out, started to love it
Learning piano:
- develops self-discipline
- develops confidence
- increases academic skills
- reduces fatigue
- reduces anxiety and depression
- becomes an outlet for emotional expression.

Increasing parts of the brain responsible for executive functioning means that students have strong memories, attentional control and organizational skills.
…And most importantly, Playing the piano strengthens the connection between the right & left hemispheres of the brain.
Have Your Child Learn Piano from Home.
On Your Own Schedule.

Hi, I’m Nina Nevski…
With a Bachelor’s in Elementary Education and 10+ years in piano education, I like to break complex music theory into tiny bite-sized video lessons that bring children results! With over 8 million views on YouTube, my mission is to help YOUR child play ANY song and develop a life-long love for music!

Kids’ Piano Academy
A Proven, Five-Step Program to
Get Your Child to Play Songs on Piano
Here’s How Your Child Will Learn

We know that the world around us is changing and it takes something special to keep your little one’s attention. That is why each video lesson is designed to keep their attention with engaging sounds and visuals to help them learn.

It can get hard to see exactly which fingers are playing what on the piano. That is why each piano view lesson has a special Light-Up Keybaord to make sure your child sees exactly what is being played.

Your Child can Play Favorite Kids’ Songs
Most websites charge a monthly fee to access full-length tutorials. Not here. Every song tutorial is accessible at no extra cost
You’ll also Get These BONUS Educational Tools

Kids’ Piano Academy Printable eBook of Lessons and Activities
The first, and most important thing needed for a child to learn to play the piano is the actual piano method.
Some piano methods force the child to go around in circles, drilling down on repetitive piano scales – instead of actually teaching them songs.
This 129-page digital book makes it easy to better understand the concepts taught in the course, since each lesson and activity in the book corresponds to the video lessons inside the video course.

Kids’ Piano Songbook with Corresponding Tutorials
This Printable Piano Sheet Music Songbook has 18 Favorite Kids Songs AND Corresponding Piano Tutorials for EACH of the 18 Songs.

Printable Sticker Chart
Kids LOVE rewards, just as adults do! Go ahead, reward them with something once this entire sticker chart is filled out!
What Are Others Already Saying
About Kids’ Piano Academy?

The Question Is: Will Your Child be Next?

Kids’ Piano Academy Now
A Proven, Five-Step Program to
Get Your Child to Play Songs on Piano
Look INSIDE the lessons And Be Blown Away by the Comprehensive Piano Method
Did you know that 80% of people who learned piano as a child DON’T play piano in adulthood?
Tim’s mom took him to piano lessons for 7 years when he was a child. Like many parents, she invested over $10,000 over those years – dreaming of a son who’d grow up and enjoy the classical pieces that his piano teacher was drilling down on him.
She wanted her son to be talented, she wanted him to develop a life-long love for music and share it with people around him.
He played all sorts of beautiful classical pieces that he was forced to play, and that made her VERY happy (at that time).
However, after his 7th year of piano lessons, he graduated with full knowledge about the piano and started to completely avoid the piano at all costs.
He would play a classical piece here and there when his mom sincerely begged him to play for her. But that was it. He didn’t play the piano around his friends, he didn’t play at his church, he just didn’t “enjoy” it.
Unfortunately, he’s not the only one. I know a girl Mary from my school and Lilliya – they both went to piano lessons as kids, only to avoid it in their adulthood.
And I believe it’s because of ONE reason – they learned piano strictly to play clasical pieces.
You see, humans love music, and most of the time, they just like to sing, share melodies with others, and play actual songs they enjoy.
When children learn the classical way of playing piano, they are forced to learn all the theory, all the solfeggio, only to find out that they don’t enjoy playing it anymore.
…As the Founders of Kids Piano Academy, we were able to look behind the scenes of:
8,675,509 Piano Learners…
and 300+ beginner piano lessons…
The ONE Thing for Kids To Learning MORE songs on piano
…without getting frustrated with all the theory
Here’s the thing….
There is a big difference between “learning about piano keys” and dreading playing it
…and learning with a piano method that is actually allowing your child to play favorite songs (wouldn’t you agree?).
As the founder of the Basic Piano Course and the corresponding YouTube channel, I have a rare opportunity to see behind the scenes of thousands of beginning piano players, see what’s working, and what’s not working.
Recently we analyzed over 100,000 piano learners, and created over 300+ beginner video piano lessons…
Trying to find a pattern of what made some kids successful at learning songs, while others were left discouraged and “bored” at the piano.
As you can imagine, this was NOT a quick or easy process.
We drew a lot of connections, but a lot of them ended up leading us into some big “dead ends…”
But then something amazing happened…
And what we found shocked us! We found that it had almost NOTHING to do with:
- Learning to play repetitive piano scales fast with both hands
- Learning to play Classical Sheet Music…
- Or even learning about piano theory!
But instead, it had everything to do with:
- The Piano Method itself
- Learning to place the right hand on the most commonly used keys…
- Understanding how to move the left hand and create beautifully patterns
- Learning favorite simple songs BEFORE getting into classical songs
- Changing your child’s piano playing from “tension” to “absolute freedom”
Think about almost every person you know who is AMAZING at the piano… And think about how they play the piano…

- Are they able to pick songs up by ear and just freely play?
- How do they use their right hand?
- How do they move their left hand to enhance their sound?
YES! In every song, the keyboard player has mastered the skill of how to use their right hand, left hand, and the sustain pedal!
I believe that playing the piano is an art.
In art, children learn certain “SKILLS” – but the creativity part is up to them!
The Kids’ Piano Academy method has been exactly that – giving kids the “skills” they need, but leaving the creativity part up to them! This has been the most successful method when teaching children to play the piano, since they naturally LOVE music from the moment they start hearing in the womb!
…and, unfortunately, that love for music gets discouraged by all the “music theory” that common music education provides today. (Parents pay an average of $2,700 a year for those kinds of music theory lessons that may end up hurting the child more than helping them.)
I spent two years taking everything we had learned studying these beginner piano players and the beautiful sound they created and broke down what I found into FIVE secrets that will help your child learn to play songs within weeks, not years!
Enroll Your Child Now and…
Get This Exclusive Curriculum Box Mailed To You
Inside the Curriculum Kit, You’ll Find…

Kids’ Piano Academy Heavy-Duty Spiral Lesson and Activity Book
Your child can easily flip the pages of this 129-page activity book when sitting at the piano and learning. The full-colored pages with fun & animated characters bring the piano to life. With checklists at the end of each chapter – you can keep track of every activity your child does and then reward them!

Cardstock Certificate of Completion
Why not celebrate your child’s successes with this beautiful, framable certificate pre-signed by their teacher – Mrs. Nina! Frame it, or simply pin it to the wall as a reminder of the big accomplishment of learning to play piano – a lifetime of joy.

Goodie “Surprise” Bag for finished Practice Sessions
Who doesn’t like surprises? After talking to hundreds of parents who found it hard to “motivate” their child to practice at the piano – we have decided to include this “surprise” goodie bag with beautiful USA-made wooden toys that your child can pick from after completing each chapter. The cotton bag is made from 100% cotton so that your child can blindly pick any gift as a surprise reward and a motivation to keep learning.

Box of 56 Premium Piano Flash Cards
There has been more and more research studies that are proving that the use of flashcards is VERY beneficial for kids when trying new skills.
Being creative at the piano is important, and so is piano theory. You can get your child to learn BOTH in a fun way! That way, your child will be able to follow song notes if needed – as well as write his/her own songs!

Five-Minute Sand Timer
One thing we learned about kids is the fact that only THEY can control the “want to” in learning. The most effective way to get them to practice and earn rewards is to have them set their own timer.
The best part is the fact that now the practice is up to THEM. No more convincing, asking, or forcing. They’ll learn that it’s their responsibility and JOY to be at the piano and play.

Here’s Everything You’ll Get
When You Enroll Your Child Today
Kids’ Piano Academy Video Lessons …………………………………………..($3,780 Value)
Student Dashboard Accessible from Any Device 24/7 ………($300 Value)
Digital Copy of Kid’s Piano Academy eBook ……………………………($35 Value)
Kids’ Piano Songbook ………………………………………………………………………….($38 Value)
Kid’s Piano Songbook Tutorial Library ………………………………………….($97 Value)
Printable Sticker Chart ……………………………………………………………………….($18 Value)
Box of 56 Piano Flash Cards …………………………………………………………….($38 Value)
Physical Spiral-bound 126 page Lesson & Activity Book …….($48 Value)
USA-Made Goodie “Surprise” Bag ………………………………………………….($120 Value)
Cardstock Certificate of Completion …………………………………………..($18 Value)
Sand Timer ……………………………………………………………………………………………….($8 Value)
Total Value: $4,500
Today’s Price: $497
just a one time payment with lifetime access.
Claim Your Child’s Spot Now Before They’re All Gone
Thanks for taking the time to read this letter and I hope you enjoy watching your child be creative at the piano!
Nina Nevski
P.S. In case you’re one of those people (like me) who just skips to the end of the letter, here’s the deal:
I’m offering you a piano program called “Kids’ Piano Academy” – The Ultimate, proven piano method (with all the educational bonuses) that gets your child to play songs on the piano within weeks” (Valued at $4,500) for $597.
There’s no catch… no gimmicks… You will NOT be signing up for any “trial” to some monthly program or anything like that.
So, Click the button below to enroll your child now and have access to the course curriculum for life.
Here’s How Your Child Can Start Learning
1. Enroll in Kids’ Piano Academy by Clicking the Button Below
2. Watch Each Video Lesson, Practice, and pick prizes
3. Play any song on the piano and develop a life-long love for music.
This course is for children age five and up, who love music and would love to learn to play songs on Piano. Whether the child is considered “talented” or not – we believe that ALL children are meant to enjoy music and give the gift of music to people around them.
After completing Kid’s Piano Academy, your child will know all the notes on the piano keyboard, as well as how to read those notes on a Treble Clef staff (the notes that are played with the right hand). Then, your child will learn how to read chords and play them using various patterns with the left hand. In the end – your child will be able to read and play from both sheet music (music notation) AND chord sheets to ANY song. On top of that, the course ends with an open invitation for your child to write his/her own songs using the common chord progressions.
Each child gets to work on their own pace. That’s the beauty about this program. Younger children might take longer to acquire certain skills, while the older ones would want to skip through easier skills faster.
We found that because of the “surprise” bag included with the enrollment – children tend to be motivated enough to finish the program within three months. After the three months, they are able to keep learning new songs from the tutorial library provided, as well as random song chord sheets that are found online.
There are six chapters, or modules inside this program. Each chapter has roughly ten lessons, including practice sessions. After each chapter, once the child checks off each part of the checklist, they can move on to the next chapter.
Yes, while supplies last, this course comes with a curriculum kit that you will receive in the mail. The details of this kit can be found above under “Get the FREE Exclusive Curriculum Kit Mailed To You” section of this page.
If your child already took lessons in the past, but isn’t creative and enjoying the piano as much as he/she should – this program can bring life back into piano playing. If you still have questions about whether this will work for your child or not, feel free to Contact Us HERE and we’ll be sure to answer any questions that you may have.
This is completely up to you as the parent. There have been parents who were very nervous about “online” music education, but had to give it a try during the pandemic to end up loving it! Their child was able to learn and re-watch the learning videos at any time they wanted, as much as they wanted. They also liked the fact that they can pause the video and play whenever they see the need.
Kids’ Piano Academy isn’t for those who believe that piano should be a very strictly-taught classical education model. We believe that music is both an art and education and we balance that with both freedom and music theory knowledge. By the end of the course, your child will NOT be able to play the classical Bach pieces – but will be able to play familiar songs by notes, as well as songs by chords. Your child will be able to learn and pursue classical pieces as well, with the music theory knowledge that is provided in this program.
Here’s a full breakdown of the course…
Each Lesson is about 5 to 10 Minutes Long
Chapter 1
- Welcome for Parents
- Welcome for Students
- About the Piano
- Black Keys
- Practice
- Finger Numbers
- Music Language
- Practice Sessions
- Checklist, Quiz, and Surprise!
Chapter 2
- Small House
- Small House Songs
- Small House Practice Sessions
- Note Counts
- Time Signatures
- Time Signature Practice
- Train Song
- Note Counts Practice Session 7
- Practice Session 8
- Practice Session 9
- Mary Had a Little Lamb
- Checklist and Surprise
Chapter 3
- Big House
- Big House Practice Session 2
- Big House Songs
- Practice Session 4
- C Scale
- Note Review
- Rain Rain Go Away
- Practice 6
- God is So Good
- Practice 8 and 10
- Musical Rests
- When the Saints go marching In
- Checklist and Surprise
Chapter 4
- Intervals
- Practice 1
- Practice 2
- Practice 3
- I Like to Eat, Eat, Eat Apples and Bananas
- Intervals Practice 5
- 4th and 5th Intervals
- Practice 6
- If You’re Happy and You Know It
- Practice 8
- Baby Shark
- Practice 10
- Checklist and Surprise
Chapter 5
- Intro to Chords
- Practice 1 & 2
- Types of Chords
- Practice 3
- Minor Chords
- Practice Minor Chords
- Practice 5 & 6
- Major to Minor
- Practice 7
- Sharps and Flats
- Minor to Major
- Sharps and Flats Practice
- Happy Birthday Song
- Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes
- Checklist and Surprise
Chapter 6
- Right-hand patterns
- Left-Hand patterns
- Practice 2
- Practice 3
- Practice 4
- Patterns with both hands
- Chord Charts
- Chord Progressions
- Practice 7
- Song with Patterns
- Rain, Rain, Go Away with Patterns
- Song with Patterns
- Checklist and Surprise
Bonus Song Tutorials and Activities
- Silent Night
- Jingle Bells
- Kum Bah Yah
- Peace like a river
- Ode to Joy
- Brother John
- This Little Light of Min